quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009

I blog #2

by: Bruna, Graziella, Marcelo and Rafael.

New Divide - Linkin Park

I remembered black skies

the lightning all around me

I remembered each flash

as time began to blur Like a startling sign

that fate had finally found me

And your voice was all I heard That I get what I deserve

So give me reason

to prove me wrong

to wash thismemory clean

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Give me reason to fill this hole

connect the spacebetween Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies Across this new divide There was nothing in sight

but memories leftabandoned

There was nowhere to hide

the ashes fell like snow And the ground caved in

between where we werestanding And your voice was all I heard That I get what I deserve So In every loss

in every lie In every truth that you'd deny And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide And your voice was all I heard That I get what I deserve .


terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

How to save a life - The Fray

"O homem cresce e adapta-se ao meio deparando-se desde cedo com várias dificuldades. Desde o primeiro passo, até ao primeiro desafio amoroso,tentamos com todas as forças superar desafios, e afirmamos tê-lo feito com brio e destreza. Temos uma inegável vontade de afirmação quando afirmamos ter ultrapassado algo bastante complicado. É com essa idéia que vivemos muitos anos da nossa vida, com a impressão que superámos os maiores desafios e problemas bastantes complexos. É curioso percebermos um dia mais tarde que afinal muitas das vezes foram os próprios problemas que se desvaneceram sozinhos. Obviamente, o nosso ego não nos permite tornar isso público, mas interiormente, entendemos muitas das vezes, que o que pensávamos ser problemas eram apenas desentendimentos, e o que pensávamos ser desafios eram apenas fracos obstáculos que teimavam em nos oferecer resistência. Quando interiorizamos isso, significa que algo na nossa vida mudou (E NÓS APRENDEMOS, CEDO OU TARDE, QUE NÃO HÁ MELHORA SEM MUDANÇAS), significa que encontramos, agora sim, um grande desafio, um desafio que teima em nos amedrontar com toda a sua carga melancólica. Pensamos para nós, que não temos força suficiente para combatê-lo, pensamos muitas vezes em desistir e em deixar de lutar, por consequência, somos na mesma obrigados a pegar na espada e ir para a arena, e é aí que residem os maiores desafios da vida humana, é aí que temos que vulgarizar o nosso calcanhar de Aquiles.
O destino pode ser contrariado ou adiado quando mostramos ser fortes o suficiente para isso.
A vida pode ser madrasta muitas vezes e temos que saber sempre dar muito de nós. Mas, às vezes ainda nós encontramos parados, sentados a olhar o céu, é aí que muitas vezes pensamos e interrogamos a nós mesmos:
"How to save a Life?"

Think about it...


Have a wonderful week!

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa (JEN oh uh) ,Italy. He was the oldest of five children in his family. His father was a wool weaver. He helped his father with the weaving, but he always wanted to sail the seas.
He didn't get to go to school very much, but he learned to read and write Spanish during his travels. He also taught himself Latin because all the geography books were written in Latin.
Some people thought he was trying to prove the world was round, but this is not true. Most people already knew the earth was round. He wanted to find a short way to get to the Indies by ship.
He was a Christian and wanted to tell the story of Christ to the people he would find in the far-away lands. He also wanted wealth for himself and for Spain, and he wanted to be famous.
He tried for eight years to get King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to supply him with ships and money. Finally they agreed, but he made more demands.
He wanted to be made a knight , admiral of the Ocean Sea. He wanted to be the viceroy and governor general of all lands he would discover. Also he wanted one-tenth of everything he found of value in the new lands.
He even boldly told them he wanted all of this in writing. This was rather brave of him because they could have had him killed because of his demands.
They finally agreed and he got three ships ready to sail;
the Santa Maria and two smaller ships, the Pinta and the Nina. He took enough food for a year. In four months he was ready to sail.

They left Spain on August 3, 1492. They made one stop, then sailed on toward the west. After many days, the sailors were ready to turn around and start back home.

"Just three more days," he said. "Then if we don't see land, we'll turn around and go back home."

Two days later they saw land; an island Columbus named San Salvador. He thought he had found the Indies and called the people he saw there "Indians".

When they got to Cuba, he thought he was in China. The world was a lot larger than he thought.

On Christmas Eve, the Santa Maria was wrecked near Haiti. Columbus built a fort and left 40 men to hunt for gold. Then he returned to Spain on the Nina. The Pinta also returned. The people of Spain welcomed him as a hero.
He made three more voyages across the ocean. His 13-year-old son, Ferdinand went with him on the fourth voyage.
Columbus did not become rich as he had hoped. At the end of his life he only had a pension the king and queen had given him because he was the first to reach the New World. He spent the last few months of his life in bed because of the pain of arthritis.
Columbus not only discovered a New World, but he led the way for other explorers.

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

PrEsEnT pErFeCt !

hello guys!

This one goes to my Inter 5 group of Saturday and all the other groups that are studying this topic, scary but totally useful needless to say very important!

Take a look at it, watch it as many times as you need. You'll find the rest of the classes on this topic at the same link.

have fun!

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009

Titeuf - Les Poux Attaquent


Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks.

Make sure you choose the right people to have as friends, or else you will pay for it. I´m glad I have, have you?

segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009

Would YOU be good? - Conditional

This post goes specially to my Inter 6 students (Harold, Babi, Thuthu, Yasmin, Rudolph and Mary), but you all can answer the questions in the "Comment" link. They've just learned unreal/improbable conditionals (also called second conditional or second if-clause), so I'll offer this beautiful song to them. It's called "That I Would Be Good", by Alanis Morissette.


That I would be good even if I did nothing
That I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
That I would be good if I got and stayed sick
That I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

That I would be fine even even if I went bankrupt
That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
That I would be great if I was no longer queen
That I would be grand if I was not all knowing

That I would be loved even when I numb myself
That I would be good even when I was overwhelmed
That I would be loved even when I was fuming
That I would be good even if I was clingy

That I would be good even if I lost sanity
That I would be good
Whether with or without you


thumbs down:

It means "to be desapproved and/or rejected".
gain 10 pounds: To get fatter.
to go bankrupt: To lose all your money.
numb: deprived of physical sensation or the ability to move; indifferent.
overwhelmed: to deal with more that you are capable of.
fuming: to smoke
clingy: pathetically possessive of someone, usually a significant other.

Now, I'd like you guys to answer some questions in the Comments:

1- Would you feel good even if you did something bad and got thumbs down from your friends?
2- How would you feel if you got and stayed sick with swine flu?
3- Would you feel good even if you gained a lot of kilos?
4- What would be worse: to go bankrupt or losing the love of your life?
5- How would you feel if you lost your hair?
6- Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? With what?

I'm waiting for your answers.
Have a nice week you all!

teacher Bel

sábado, 19 de setembro de 2009

Top Hit Songs

Do you wanna know wich songs are on top of the charts in the United States?
You can visit the website Billboard, the online version of Billboard magazine.
The Hot 100 is a list of the most popular songs in the country.
Check it out!


sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009


Do you know what stand up comedy is?
Well it's really caught on here in Brazil nowadays.
It's basically one guy, standing there with a microfone and an audience staring at him waiting either to have a colapse of laughing or to throw tomatoes at him....Describing it this way seems boring but in fact it's really nice.
Normally it goes fine, except when Jim Carrey tries doing it...whoa!!!! Don't even try watching Robbin Willians ones...
There's a nice guy, Mitch Fatel, who's really funny but you guys have to check his videos by yourselves.kkkk

Here's a video of BERT KREISCHER,you'll find more funny stuff in this site:

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009

"I gotta feeling that today's gonna be a GOOD day..."

Oprah is a highest rating show in the American history. It is a syndicated show hosted by Oprah Winfrey. She was highly surprised on the mind blowing performance of Black Eyed Peas. BEP presented a different thing which has never shown earlier. She was completely unaware with such kind of response by the public. As she said that, it was the best performance during all of her career.It was a Flash Mob Dance which spread only in few minutes among all the 20000 crud. Waooo, it was amazing, it was outclass, it was glamorous, it was really full of surprise. The dance started from single women and rapidly it spread among all of the people, gathered there. Oprah the host of the show was much surprise on this out class reaction of the crud. She commented on the performance that, “That was the coolest thing ever!!!”.

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

C if u can answer these...

If a the police were investigating a suicide and all there was was a man hanging from the roof a collapsed wood box and a pudle on the ground and a match found inside the box how did this man die?

Whos Son Am I
I have a father and mother yet I am not their son. Who am I?

In The Ocean
In the ocean I live but one touch of dry land for me I die. What am I?

there are 3 houses the red house is next to the white house and the white house right of the red house the blue house is next to the white house. Wheres the white house at?

Peters mother has three children nicolas, penny, and guess the third child?

Kanye West, The Rude

Oh-my-God, that's the rudest thing I've ever seen during a VMA (Video Music Award, it's given to the best video clips of the year). We all know that Beyonce rocks and that she's "a little" better than Taylor Swift, the blond teenager. But if Taylor got an award, it's because she deserved it. Kanye shouldn't have done that, look at the girl's face when he leaves, she looks terribly sad... it was her first award, by the way. I imagine how disappointed she was. Her first award, her friends and family watching her and this very unpolite man takes off the mic of her hand and just say "hey, you're good but Beyonce is better. Bye!".
Poor Taylor! I think she must have cried a lot after she left the stage.

I hope your week is better than Taylor's, LOL.

teacher Bel

sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009




In 1908, American candy maker George Smith manufactured the first hard candy on a stick, which he named after a race horse called Lolly Pop, according to Lollies Galore. The name was the exclusive property of Smith until he stopped making the candies during the Depression.

Encyclopedia.com reports that the most common ingredients in lollipops are corn syrup, flavorings, water, sugar and malic or citric acid.

Though they are high in sugar, lollipops are typically fat free and are about 25 calories each, depending on their size.

The first machine used for automated lollipop production was made in Racine, Wisconsin in 1908. Those first machines made only 40 lollipops and hour, while machines used in the modern production of lollipops can make 5,900, according to the National Confectioners Association.

National Lollipop Day is July 20.

Largest Lollipop
At 4,031 pounds, 18.9 inches in thickness and 15 feet in height, a cherry lollipop as tall as a giraffe was made on June 25, 2002.


"...cause oh my God I can't believe it..." (Lily Allen)

"...everybody is scared sometimes..." (Tiago Iorc)

take a look:

domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009

Brazilian Day in New York

The event is celebrating its 25th anniversary, with the Cleansing of 46th Street on Saturday September 5, and Brazilian Day on Sunday, September 6, at 46th Street, also known as Little Brazil, and 6th Avenue, near Times Square.
Presently the event takes over 25 blocks surrounding Little Brazil.

brazilianday.com for more information

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2009

¿Quién es quién?

A continuación vas a ver el cuadro "Explicando la Divina Comedia a Dante". Intenta localizar al menos 10 personajes históricos y escribe su descripción.

Renato Aires

Esta idea la hemos tomado de la página web de Aula Internacional 2 ("http://www.difusion.com/ideas_details/2/5/4777/tarea_online_aula_internacional_2_unidad_3.html")

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009


Hello there!

I was checking some stuff in Macmillan's site (again...) when I came across
"The ten best vocabulary learning tips". Nice!
It is in student's section, check it out and see some really nice stuff.

There you can find many tips and games to practice anything you learn from there.

It's funny!
Here's the link of the vocabulary games:

You can choose from a large number of games and test your knowledge as well as your pronunciation listening to the word before you try to figure it out.

Here's the one I played (and I liked it a lot).

Repeat the word carefully and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you an addict? I can help you!

How many of these simbols are you familiar with? Do you usually spend hours in front of the computer and forget to do the real important things, like paying your bills or calling your mother?

First, you need to aknowledge your problem. Only by admitting that you can't stop accessing is that you'll be able to help yourself.

Then, repeat with me: I can do it! I can get over my internet addiction! "There can be miracles, when you believe"

Also try doing those things you've always wanted to: help your community, write that book, start up yoga, go to that nudist beach... Stay busy.

As an ex-addict I can give you some more advice. You can find me on facebook, orkut, msn, twitter etc and I'll gladly help you to break free.

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009

Voyage Voyage
Kate Ryan

Au dessus des vieux volcans
Glissent tes ailes sous le tapis du vent
Voyage, voyage, eternellement.

De nuages em marecages
De ven d’Espagne em pluie d’Equateur
Voyage, voyage, vole dans le hauteurs
Au dessus des capitales, des idées fatales
Regard l’ocean

Voyage, voyage, plus loin que la nuit et le jour...
Voyage, dans l’espace inoui de l’amour.
Voyage, voyage, sur l’eau sacré d’un fleuve indien...
Voyage, et jamais ne revienne.

Sur le Gange ou l’Amazone
Chez les balcks, chez les sickhs, chez les jaunes
Voyage, voyage dans tout le royame

Sur le dunes du Sahara
De iles Fidjii, au Fujiyama
Voyage, voyage, ne t’arrêtes pas
Au dessus de barbelés, des coeurs bombardés
Regard l’ocean

Voyage, voyage, plus loin que la niut e le jour...
Voyage, dans l’espace inoui de l’amour.

Voyage voyage, plus loin que la niut e le jour…
Voyage, dans l’espace inoui de l’amour.
Voyage, voyage, sur l’eau sacré d’um fleuve indien…
Voyage, et jamais ne revienne.