Last week, my Inter 6 and I were discussing about pushy parents, and how they affect the lives of their children. First, we studied this very nice poem/song by Alanis Morissette:
Then, my students pretended they were the kids for whom the poem was written to, and they wrote letters, poems and e-mails, in response to their parents pressure. Here are some excerpts of the replies:
Rafael Araújo - Inter 6 (Saturday)
Dear Parents,
I’m writting this letter to tell you how I feel about all this pressure. When you tell me to be perfect, I try and I try very hard. You must believe in me, because I’ll be the best that I can. But the problem is, all this pressure make me very bad and just make the things more difficult. When you press me, I feel disturbed and I can’t get to make the things. The pressure makes me angry and I just want cry and cry.
Besides, when my friends are playing and have funny the major of the time, I have to
make efforts to improve and make different. But the only thing that I want, is to be normal like the another children.
Daytta - Inter 6 (Saturday)
Dear Mom,
I'm 10 years old, I know I'm just a kid who has no responsibilities, but wanted to tell you that I feel very happy and at the same time worried about my future.
I have to play and study, study to get a job - when I grow up, you'll be proud of me, I hope to achieve your expectations, I hope not to disappoint you. So I am writing this letter to tell you what I feel about the pressure you put on me.
I know that all these pressures are for my good and I believe I will thank you for that.
Sânia - Inter 6 (Saturday)
Mom and Dad, why are you making this with me
What's the problem?
Sometimes I don't understand
I'm sorry, but I can't be perfect
Because nobody is flawless
I feel sad
I feel that you don't love me
I'm alone
You're depriving me of a normal chilhood
Don't do this with me, please!
What can I do for you feel proud?
I make everything for you
But I can't be the way you want
And you mustn't live through me,
I'm sorry, but I can't be perfect
Why always you say things that hurt my heart
I'm just a little girl
And even you aren't the best parents
You're my family,
I want your love
Simply because I love you!
Mônica - Inter 6 (Mon/Wed)
My dear father,
I love you very much, but you always sit up worring about me. I need to grow and for that is necessary I fall , I break, to be wrong… Just so I can learn and become a real woman.
Do you have any idea how stressful it is to be your daughter? Many times I say OK, because I want to please you. But stop organizing my life.
I do not want to be the first of my class, I don’t want to learn piano (I hate piano).I'd like to stop auditioning and focus on being a normal school kid.
I would like to pay all the money you invested in me.
You and Mom are pushy parents.
Let me free!
With love,
Laura Nogueira - Inter 6 (Mon/Wed)
Mom and Dad,
I'm not perfec, you were not perfect, and that's why you want me to be, to do every thing you couldn't. But, I'm not like you, I have other dreams, I want to do other thing with my life. I don't want to study all the time, I want to go out like a normal child, I don't want to be all neat and clean all the time, I want to get dirty, like a normal child.
I have my flaws, but I have things that I'm good at too, and you have to recognize it. I just don't want to live into this pressure.
Your imperfect daugther.
Aren't they GREAT??! I loved all the letters they wrote for the pushy parents!
Now, enjoy the song that inspired all this discussion!
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ALANIS MORISSETTE!
Acoustic version:
Version with lyrics:
Have a nice week!
Teacher Bel
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