Hey guys!
This is one of my favorite arias... Its name is Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen, in english it would be something like "a hellish vengeance burns in my heart". This aria is part of the opera The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte) by Mozart. It was composed in the end of the XVIII century. This aria in particular is very famous because you need a soprano to sing it. However, the singer has to be an extraordinary soprano to reach the high notes from the aria.
I like very much this part of the opera, when the Queen of the Night obligates her daughter to kill Sarastro, her foe. She says that if the girl refuse to do it, she'll curse her and break the nature bonds with her own daughter. "If you do not kill Sarastro, you'll no more be my daughter", she says. It's all about emotional and psycological pressure. And, of course, revenge.
The lyrics in this video are in castellano, so I'll put here the original lyrics with the translation in portuguese.
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr.
Verstossen sei auf ewig,
Verlassen sei auf ewig,
Zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig
Alle Bande der Natur
Wenn nicht durch dich Sarastro wird erblassen!
Hört, Rachegötter, hört der Mutter Schwur!
Hell's vengeance boils in my heart,
Death and despair flame about me!
If Sarastro does not, through you, feel the pain of death,
Then you will be my daughter nevermore.
Disowned be forever,
Forsaken be forever,
Destroyed be forever
All the bonds of nature
If you do not make Sarastro turn pale!
Hear, Gods of Vengeance, hear a mother's oath!
The soprano's name in this aria is Elena Musoc, but I higly recommend that you check Maria Calla's interpretation for this song. Elena is good, but Maria sings like a bird.
I know that nowadays operas and arias and classical music are considered "boring" and "eldery music", but I wish more people would appreciate this style.
I hope you like it!
Teacher Bel
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