quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009

If I had my life to live over...

My students from Inter 6 (Rafael, Sarah and Wisner), inspired by an american poem, wrote this one:

If I had my life to live over..

I would enjoy more and love less
I would have many children
I would travel around the world
I would spend more time with my family
I would call my friends more often
I would go to the beach and watch more sunsets
I would like to see more honest and generous people
I wouldn't mind about my problems
One day I would eat just chocolate all day long...
I would live the moments like they were the last ones
Iwould buy strange clothes and wear them to go to strange parties
Iwould lie to my boss and go to the beach
Iwould be more adventurous
I wouldn't get married
Iwould spend lots of money on silly things
Iwould work less
I would go to more natural places
I would enjoy nature
I would always say the truth to my parents and wouldn't be afraid of telling the truth
I would practice more sports
I would be a better student
I wouldn't complain about my life and I would definitely be happier
I would write a book about my life!


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