terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008


Have you ever heard any body idioms??? And thought: "My God, I don't understand it"!!!

Here are some expressions about body...it's very useful to know their meanings:

to happen behind your back
- happen without your knowledge, or when you are absent, secretly

to have butterflies in your stomach
- have a feeling of fear or anxiety, be nervous

to give the cold shoulder
- treat someone in an unfriendly manner

to get off your back
- stop criticizing someone

to get under your skin
- bother or upset someone

to be neck and neck
- be equal or nearly equal in a race or contest

to get something off your chest
- tell something important, but difficult to say

to pat someone on the back
- praise someone for a job well done

to be skin-deep
- be only on the surface, superficial

to stab someone in the back
- say or do something unfair that hurts a friend or someone who trusts you

to turn your back on
- refuse to help someone in trouble or need

to turn your stomach
- make you feel sick

I hope you enjoy it!!!

From http://esl.about.com/od/advancedvocabulary/a/q_idiommatch4.htm

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