domingo, 11 de maio de 2008


by Bruce Lansky

I climbed up the door and
I opened the stairs.
I said my pajamasand buttoned my prayers.
I turned off the coversand pulled up the light.

I’m all scrambled up sinceshe kissed me last night.

The Opposite Day Parade
by Timothy Tocher

Because the day was rainy,
it was easy to persuade my folks to take me to
the Opposite Day Parade.
The band passed by at twilight playing Sunrise Serenade.
We liked the music so darn much,
we booed them while they played.
Sleek fire engines followed, covered in smoke and flame.
I quickly called 119.
Of course, no help came.
Some paramedics raced by,
tearing band-aids off the crowd.
I couldn’t hear their siren
because it blew so loud.
The Boy Scouts never showed up.
I guess they weren’t prepared.
I’d hate to go back next year,
and I hope to see you there.

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