quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

On n'est pas à une bêtise près.

Bonjour tout le monde!!!

Comment allez-vous?

Moi, Je suis Beto, professeur d'anglais dans l'école de langues, International House. Maintenant vous pensez, probablement: Mais porquoi est-ce qu'un prof d'anglais parle Français? Je vous explique. J'AIME BIEN LE FRANÇAIS!...Et c'est tout. J'étudie le Français depuis 3 ans. J'aime voyager, j'aime la culture et la cuisine Française, et encore la musique Française.
Le Français c'est une belle langue et beaucoup des personnes dans le monde le parlent, c'est donc, très utile pour se communiquer. J'écoute de la musique très variée; parfois de la musique Française, parfois de l'Américaine. J'aime le pop, le rock, la musique classique, n'importe quel genre!
Ceci c'est ma musique préférée.

À bientôt,

Prof. Beto.

Past Perfect short stories by Inter 6

My Inter 6 students are reviewing the Past Perfect structure. In order to practice it, they created in pairs short sories that began with this structure. Then, I swaped the stories and another pair had to finish it. Here's the result!

--> By the time we arrived at school, we'd had so much fun because the "Cultural Break" had been very exciting. The teachers were rocking on the dance floor when a student started to record them, and posted it on Youtube.

(Beginning by Núlia, Milena and Mariana; ending by Felipe and Fabiana)

--> When I called my mother, I had decided that I would buy a motorcycle. When I told her, I didn't have much money then I decided to work and buy the motorcycle. After a while, I bought a beautiful motorcylce and was very cheap, but I discovered that it was stolen =(

(Beginning by Carol and João Victor; ending by Nathalia and Bruna)

--> When we got to the airport, we had already lost the plane. After the bad news, we tried to buy another tickets because if we couldn't get them we would lose the shows of Rock in Rio. But we found other tickets and went to Rock in Rio.

(Begining by Nathalia and Bruna; ending by João Victor and Carol)

--> When my dad got to my house, I hadn't cleaned the mess of the party yet. So, he kicked me out of the house and I slept in the garden with the street dogs :)

(Beginning by Felipe and Fabiana; ending by Mariana, Núlia and Milena)

Which was your favorite story? Leave you comment!


Teacher Bel


Hi ya`ll.

Today my inter-10 class will have their final class about law and punishment. Here are some funny cartoons on the subject I found on the internet.

And my favorite:

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

Why is Reading so important?

Everyone knows reading is important, but have you ever asked yourself why is it so important? Here I list out 8 reasons why reading is important. Hope you can really find out the reason why reading is so important for you, so you got a brand new will to explore the world of reading.

1. Explore Yourself to New Thing

Through reading, you explore yourself to new thing, to new information, new ways to solve a problem, new way to achieve one thing. Who knows you might find your new hobbies within it? Who knows you might actually explore to one thing you really like and thus it become your career and success in the future? Exploration starts from reading and understanding.

2. Self Improvement

Reading does help you form a better you, isn’t it? Through reading, you understand the world more; through reading you get to understand more on a topic that interest you, for example: How to build self confidence, how to make a better planning before action; how to memorize things better and more. All these self develop starts from reading; through reading, you structure the path towards a better understanding and better actions to take in the future.

3. Improve Understanding

The more you read, the more you understand one thing, the A to Z of a thing. Let me give an example here: reading allows you understand about crocodile and it’s habits, that you need to beware of places it usually appear, in the purpose of stay away from being harm and bite. Or perhaps you can try by real life experience, in approaching the crocodile, to see what’s happen. It does help you find out the truth of something right? Reading also increases the understanding of the rules of life, in order for you to adapt, adopt and accommodate into the society better. To play well in a game, you first need to understand the rules well enough.

4. Preparation to Action

Before you take action on anything, where do you seek for help and guidance? Reading is essential way which can help you out. In today’s world, getting reviews and feedback from other people is a big impact on what’s your next decision, the pros and cons of one thing. Read about how to cook a meal; how to play chess; which place is nice for holiday family trip; read the menu before order food, read the manual before using a new gadget. These all can helps you become more prepare before really get into it.

Read > Learn > Do > Achieve

5. Gain Experience from Other People

When you are reading, you are actually gaining the knowledge and experience of someone. It can faster up your success towards one thing, as you don’t need to repeat the same mistake while focus on the right path in achieving one thing. It’s like a mountain of gems for you to discover in books, of people’s success, failures and advices. Life is too short for you to keep repeating mistakes that had been done by other people in the past, in order for you to reach the results that someone might had already reach. As I share in my previous article Famous Failures – Video , there are four thousands plus billionaire and 12 million millionaires today. To become one of them, the first thing is to learn and get to know their past, what they did in the past that makes them where they are today. Reading is a great path to get to know them, and learn from these great people.

The art of reading is in great part that of acquiring a better understanding of life from one’s encounter with it in a book.

6. Tools of Communicating

It is the most important tool of communicating, through reading, you communicate, through reading, you understand more, and thus you can communicate better with people. As if a person that know nothing, he won’t has anything to share, and he probably don’t even understand what people are sharing. Through reading, you build a more solid bridge of communication. It is one of the most important tool we use everyday to connect with each other. Whereas if you don’t read, you can’t even connect with the world and what people are talking about out there, including to understand what this article is all about. Reading connects you with the world.

7. Connecting Your Brain

When reading, you’re in full silence, where reading connects directly to your brain. In silence, you seek for more; in silence, your brain is clear and focuses, thus you learn and grow, and therefore you feel and see from the point of view of the author, about everything in life. Hence you shape a better self.

8. Boost Imagination and Creativity

Reading exposes you to a world of imagination, showing you nothing is impossible in this world. By reading, you exploring a different angle to see a thing you’ve knew, on how different action leads to different results. Books are beyond imagination, it’s like a huge spider web, where you keep linking to more and more, to things you knew, and things you just learn, structuring a new solution and answers.

So in your opinion, why is reading so important ???

What's your favorite job?!


My students from Tenns 2 talked about their favorite jobs...

engineer....Top Model...

What's your favorite job?!

See u !!!!

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011


Hey, people...

Only 55 people in 100 can read this....

Can u?! :)

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of thehmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng istaht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyastghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed this forwrad it FORWARD ONLY IF YOU CAN READ IT.

Hope u like it !!!!

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

The Alphabet pronunciation...

Hey, there...

My students from Inter 1 learned the alphabet last week... Take a look at this video and learn how to pronounce the alphabet... It's very interesting...

Have a wonderful week!!!

See ya =)

Descubre Perú - Los Uros

Hay un pueblo que vive en las aguas del lago Titicaca. No te gustaría saber cómo logran hacerlo?

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Catalão in Inter 3's point of view

hi guys!

In inter 3 there's a lesson related to places in the world, including our beloved Rio.

Some natives discussed about their places' features in this lesson.

So did my Inter 3.

In the reception hall you can see their reviews on Catalão.

They wrote about the pros and cons of our city. Probably, most of you have already seen the pieces of paper on the wall.

check out the photos above.

sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011

Changing Education Paradigms

Hello Everyone!

This week my students from Inter 4 started a new lesson: Education. We could widely discuss this subject, but today I'm only posting a video I particularly believe it's unbelievebly mind-provoking.
Check it out and think about it.

See ya o/

I Do !!!!

Hey, people...

Long time no see.... :)

My Inter 3 did an activity with this video.....The song is called I Do !!!

Have u ever heard this song?!

Take a look....

Hope u like it !!!!

What's up?

What's up was shorten from, "What are you up to?".

Basically, "What are you doing?".

It also became the meaning for, "What is going on?" or "What is Happening?".

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

I'll be there for you...

Hey, guys...

My students from Inter 5 talked about Friends in the lesson 1. They learned a lot of different expressions when we are talking about friendship: click right away, hit it off immediatelly, have a lot in common, become close friends, drift apart, get along very well together, have ups and downs and a friend will always be there for you. Last class we listened to this song and discussed some expressions to improve our English...
Now, enjoy it...

Have a nice week!!!

See ya =)

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Countable and Uncountable nouns

So, on wednesday my students and I were making pizzas and also learning about countable and uncountable nouns, oh and by the way the pizzas were delicious And if you want to know more 'bout this check this site here http://www.inglesvip.com/grammar/countable-and-uncountable-nouns.html in this site you can count with explanation and some examples. see ya next time.

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

Earth Hour - 2012

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

Earth Hour - Chile

In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries/territories officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.

On Saturday 27 March, Earth Hour 2010 broke new records for participation with 128 countries and territories joining the global display of climate action. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Asia Pacific to Europe and Africa to the Americas switched off. People across the world from all walks of life turned off their lights and came together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet.

And Earth Hour just keeps growing. On Saturday March 26th, Earth Hour 2011 became the biggest Earth Hour ever. 135 countries took part, many for the first time including Lebanon, Jamaica, Iran, Uganda, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Chad, Azerbaijan, Gibraltar, Palestine, Suriname, Uzbekistan, Trinidad & Tobago and Lesotho.

Earth Hour 2011 marks the beginning of a new era, with individuals, organisations and governments asked to go beyond the hour by committing to ongoing action for the planet. Visit our Beyond the Hour platform to share your stories and to get inspiration from the actions our supporters have shared with us already.

This year’s event has illustrated without question what can be achieved when people unite with a common purpose and rally to action.

Earth Hour 2012 will take place on Saturday 31st March at 8:30 PM - so save the date and keep coming back to earthhour.org to find out what’s in store and how you can get involved.

Create you own virtual lantern! ---> http://www.earthhour.org/kids/MakeALantern.aspx

Practice switching off the lights ---> http://apps.facebook.com/lightswitch/

quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

Stick Stuck Stuck

To all of you who though there could never be a fun way of learning the past participles, I introduce MC Fluency:

Online book

Hey guys, students teachers...take a look at this web site! It`s a book about shops in a town, it`s very interactive, you can hear the words and then do some actvities IT`S FANTASTIC!

Cantora em forma de Holograma

Minasan konnitiwa!

Para aqueles que gostam de tecnologia e música, os japoneses resolveram unir ambos em uma coisa só: uma cantora em forma de holograma. E com direito a shows!

Em um país cujo governo está dizendo aos quatro cantos que, se for eleito o país-sede da Copa do Mundo de 2022, exibirá os jogos ao vivo em hologramas espalhados por estádios no mundo inteiro, a última novidade é Hatsune Miku - um tipo de personagem de anime que canta no mundo real.

Miku tem 16 anos e sua voz foi gravada por artistas reais. Ela tem feito tanto sucesso que está no meio de um tour pelo Japão.

A cantora já atrai muitos fãs a seus shows, pessoas animadas que não param um minuto sequer enquanto a quase real artista canta suas músicas. Depois de robôs humanóides, hologramas em apresentação perfeita, o que mais falta inventar na terra do sol nascente?

Jya mata raishuu made!

segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011

The Sweet Escape

Students form Inter 8 have listened to the song above and now they share why the'd like to escape from routine.


It's boring to do things that I don't want.


I'd want to escape from my routine becaue it's boring.


To start again, kind of erase things I did wrong in the past.


I have to study for Vestibular.


The reaon is: I wake up at 5 a.m.


Because it's so boring to do the same things on the same time every single day.


Everyday I see the same faces.


Because we need a break from our routine.


I don't want to worry a lot about my school and homework.

Die Kirche

Arquitetura alemã Igreja, Imagens Edifícios Igreja alemã, Igrejas da Alemanha

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011


Hey, everybody...

My students from Inter 4 talked about Environment last class... We discussed about many issues like global warming, recycling, renewable energy, pollution and what we can do to make this world a better place... Now, watch this video showing the human impact on the environment...

What can we can do to save the planet?

Have a nice week!!!

See ya =)

The baby says no

Hello people,

Peço desculpas aos teachers de inglês, mas achei o vídeo muito bom e por isso resolvi postá-lo.

E ainda consegui aprender a fazer perguntas com Do.

Día del Padre en Brasil

Hoy celebramos nuestro padre. Ojalá tengamos cada día más y más padres responsables y especiales.

Qué todos seamos felices!

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011



This one goes for all the Inter 2 students who are studying about this topic, and it is also useful for those ones who might want to review the topic.

Hope you like it!

See you!!!


Washington monument

The Washington Monument is an obelisk near the west end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate the first U.S. president, General George Washington. The monument, made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss, is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 555 feet 5 /8 inches (169.294 m). There are taller monumental columns, but they are neither all stone nor true obelisks. It is also the tallest structure in Washington D.C.. It was designed by Robert Mills, an architect of the 1840s. The actual construction of the monument began in 1848 but was not completed until 1884, almost 30 years after the architect's death. This hiatus in construction happened because of co-option by the Know Nothing party, a lack of funds, and the intervention of the American Civil War. A difference in shading of the marble, visible approximately 150 feet (46 m) or 27% up, shows where construction was halted for a number of years. The cornerstone was laid on July 4, 1848; the capstone was set on December 6, 1884, and the completed monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885. It officially opened October 9, 1888. Upon completion, it became the world's tallest structure, a title previously held by the Cologne Cathedral. The monument held this designation until 1889, when the Eiffel Tower was completed in Paris, France. The monument stands due east of the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial.

The Washington Monument was originally intended to be located at the point at which a line running directly south from the center of the White House crossed a line running directly west from the center of the Capitol. Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant's 1791 "Plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of t(he) government of the United States ..." designated this point as the location of the equestrian statue of George Washington that the Continental Congress had voted for in 1783. However, the ground at the intended location proved to be too unstable to support a structure as heavy as the planned obelisk. The Jefferson Pier, a small monolith 390 feet (119 m) WNW of the Monument, now stands at the intended site of the structure.

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011

Pronunciation Tips - Great Website

Hi guys!

Your pronunciation in English is very important, but it's difficult to be corrected by your teacher. We can't interrupt you in every little mistake you make to correct your mispronunciation. If we did so, the conversation wouldn't flow at all!

But you can help yourself with self-correction, self-monitoring and self-improving your pronunciation skills! In order to do so, here's a great website to help you in your studies: Pronunciation Tips.

Many teachers, especially if they are new to teaching ESL classes, may be a little intimated by the prospect of having to teach pronunciation. But, just like almost every thing else, if the process is broken down into small manageable steps, the task is not all that daunting. This site is an attempt to do just that- to break the process of teaching pronunciation down into smaller steps.

Why is proper pronunciation important? Because without correct pronunciation- no matter how vast the students vocabulary may be, no matter how well the student understands and uses grammatical rules, no matter what their level of reading or writing skills may be- if they don't use correct pronunciation it may be very difficult for listeners to understand what they say. And that is a huge hindrance to communication. In addition, some research indicates that if a student can not pronounce a word correctly, they may not be able to hear it when spoken by another person either, which furthers hinders communication.


Mastering proper pronunciation is not just a matter of learning individual sounds. Many students can hear and make the different sounds for all the vowels and consonants in English. Unfortunately, they also have to contend with the sound changes that occur with different letter combinations resulting from linking or reduction of vowels and consonants, not to mention stress, pitch, and intonation differences between their native tongue and English.

That's basically all there is to teaching pronunciation- giving feedback and ensuring that the student uses the feedback to improve their speaking skills. That along with providing adequate practice to the students to hear the sounds AND practice making the sounds. Remember (as some research implies) if a student can't say a sound, they won't be able to hear it either.

Even a King must know how to speak properly!

Have a nice weekend, fellows!


teacher Bel

quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2011

The Raccoon Story - Calvin and Hobbes

Hundreds of comic strips have been published in newspapers. The majority are terrible, and almost all the rest are mediocre. There have been maybe four or five good comic strips in the history of the world. So saying that Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic strip ever doesn't really hold a lot of weight. Nevertheless, Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes has been a worldwide favorite since its introduction in 1985. The strip follows the richly imaginative adventures of Calvin and his trusty tiger, Hobbes.


Calvin, named after the 16th-century theologian John Calvin, is an impulsive, creative, imaginative, energetic, curious, intelligent, hypocritical, selfish, rude, and ill-tempered six-year-old, whose last name is never mentioned in the strip. Despite his poor grades in school, Calvin demonstrates his intelligence through his sophisticated vocabulary and a philosophical mind.


From the other characters' perspectives, Hobbes is Calvin's stuffed tiger. From Calvin's point of view, Hobbes is an anthropomorphic tiger, much larger than Calvin and full of independent attitudes and ideas. When the perspective shifts to any other character, readers again see merely a stuffed animal, usually seated at an off-kilter angle and blankly staring into space. Watterson explains:

"When Hobbes is a stuffed toy in one panel and alive in the next, I'm juxtaposing the 'grown-up' version of reality with Calvin's version, and inviting the reader to decide which is truer."

The Raccoon Story

"...but don't YOU go anywhere."

What makes Calvin and Hobbes the greatest ever is its ability to make you laugh your ass off, and identify with it. What makes it one of the great treasures of our culture is its ability to invoke emotions that you never thought you’d spend on a comic strip.

This one’s is positively touching and also my favorite strip of all times.

My heart will go on em japonês


Sugoi kawaii yo!

Mite ne!

Jya mata!

terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011


There are a lot of techniques you should do in order to improve you English pronunciation:

Everyone can speak English clearly

The first thing you should know is that everyone can speak English with a clear pronunciation, everybody has a mouth, a tongue and lips. Everyone can speak every language because there is no difference between human; we are all born with the same mechanism.

English environment

If you really want to improve your English pronunciation, you should be surrounded by English everyday, which means the best thing is to be in a place where we talk only in English, like the USA or Britain or Australia...

If you can't have this situation, you can do it by listening to English everyday, you can listen to English radio, or TV, you can also have some CDs in English...

Learn English subconsciously

You must know that you will learn English if you try, you will speak English like a native speaker if you don't stop, but the problem is always the time.

Never try to learn English in a short time, listen always to English and be sure that you will speak it one day, you don't know exactly when but you will learn it.

Always listen to English and don't try anything else, you will learn English subconsciously, believe me!

Focus on listening

If you want to learn English or to improve you English pronunciation without listening to English pronunciation, stop right now!!

You can improve your pronunciation without knowing what is really pronunciation, and you can't know what is English pronunciation if you don't listen to English.

Speak slowly

Never try to speak fast, always try to speak English slowly at the first time, you will get faster subconsciously without doing anything, you should pronounce each word correctly, that's the goal!

Practice English

Always practice your English, read out loud, speak English with your friends, practice English everyday, this will help you to know the correct way to stress syllables.

Speak out loud

Never be quiet, always speak out loud, this helps you a lot if you are shy when you speak English.

Record yourself speaking English

And compare your speaking with a native speaker, you will see the mistakes you've done, you will improve your English pronunciation.

Have some English friends

You should have some friends with the same goal as you, friends trying to learn English, you should practice your English with them, tell them if you find something useful to improve your English or if you find a new method, they will also tell you, they help you when you get bored, it's really one of the best things to improve your English.

from: http://fastest-english.blogspot.com/2010/06/10-tips-to-improve-your-english.html

Around the House Vocabulary !

Hey, guys....how are u ?!

Let's review the vocabulary from last class....

Take a look !!!

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

La Tomatina



La Fiesta se hizo popular gracias a un reportaje de Javier Basilio en el programa de Televisión Española Informe Semanal Todo comenzó el último miércoles de agosto del año 1945, cuando unos jóvenes pasaban el rato en la Plaza del Pueblo para presenciar el desfile de gigantes y cabezudos y otros actos de la fiesta. Los chicos decidieron hacerse un hueco dentro de la comitiva de un desfile con músicos, gigantes y cabezudos. El ímpetu de los jóvenes hizo que cayera un participante que, preso de la ira, empezó a golpear todo lo que encontraba a su paso. Por un capricho del destino, allí había un puesto de verduras que fue pasto de la multitud enfurecida: la gente empezó a tirarse tomates de unos a otros hasta que las fuerzas del orden público pusieron fin a aquella batalla vegetal.

Al año siguiente, los jóvenes repitieron el altercado de forma voluntaria y llevaron los tomates de su casa. Aunque la policía disolvió en sucesivos años la reciente tradición, los chicos, sin saber nada, habían hecho historia. La Tomatina fue prohibida a principios de los 50, cosa que no disuadió a sus participantes que llegaron a ser, incluso, detenidos. Pero el pueblo habló y la fiesta volvió a permitirse, uniéndose más participantes y tornándose cada vez más frenética.

La fiesta fue, de nuevo, cancelada hasta 1957, cuando, en señal de protesta, se celebró e entierro del tomate: una manifestación en la que los vecinos portaron un ataúd con un gran tomate dentro. El desfile se acompañó con una banda de música que interpretaba marchas fúnebres y su éxito fue total. Finalmente se permitió la Tomatina y se instauró la fiesta de forma oficial.

La fiesta comenzó a ser popular en el resto de España gracias al reportaje de Javier Basilio, emitido en el programa de Televisión Española Informe semanal en 1983.

Desde entonces, año a año crece el número de participantes y el entusiasmo por La Tomatina. El éxito ha llevado a que La Tomatina de Buñol fuera declarada en 2002 Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional por la Secretaría General de Turismo.

IH Idiomas - Quem faz, fala bem!

Activities - songs

Hello, everybody!!!

How have you been? I really missed you... =)

Last week, my students did some activities listening songs. They learned new expressions and words... Now, take a look at the videos:

Fireflies - Owl City

The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars

September - Chris Daughtry

Have a wonderful week!!!
See ya =)

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Save the black bears!!

I'm here to talk about the bearskin tall hat, Do you remember the british army? those that wear a tall hat on their heads.SO a bearskin is a tall fur cap made by the skin of a black canadian bear, usually worn as part of a ceremonial military uniform. Traditionally, the bearskin was the headgear of grenadiers, and is still worn by grenadier and guards regiments in various armies. The cloth caps worn by the original grenadiers in European armies during the 17th century were frequently trimmed with fur. The practice fell into disuse until the second half of the eighteenth century when grenadiers in the British, Spanish and French armies began wearing high fur hats with cloth tops and, sometimes, ornamental front plates. The purpose appears to have been to add to the apparent height and impressive appearance of these troops both on the parade ground and the battlefield.

During the nineteenth century, the expense of bearskin caps and difficulty of maintaining them in good condition on active service led to this form of headdress becoming generally limited to guardsmen, bands or other units having a ceremonial role. The British Foot Guards and Royal Scots Greys did however wear bearskins in battle during the Crimean War and on peacetime maneuvers until the introduction of khaki service dress in 1902.Immediately prior to the outbreak of World War I in 1914, bearskins were still worn by guard or other units in the British, Belgian, Danish, Dutch, Russian and Swedish armies. This did not include use of the busby and other types of smaller fur headdress sometimes confused with the high bearskin. The Italian Sardinian Grenadiers had discarded bearskins in the nineteenth century but were to readopt them for limited ceremonial wear in modern times.

See more here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bearskin).

sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

Tin Toy

My students from Teens 5 watched a video from Pixar and did 2 activities about it.

This is the video:

First they created the beginning of a story, one student saying a word at a time. Here's what they came up with:

The baby wants to play in the pool and the dog was barking in the garden. The toys were in the room, so the

Then, in pairs, they finished the story and read them to the other students.

Mateus & Beatriz
... so the toy ran to under the sofa cared of the baby and the dog because the baby broke the toys and the baby ate the toys. After this the dog left the pool and the baby went to the pool.

Isabela & Heitor
... so the baby was confused. He decided to take the toys and to play in the pool with them. The dog stopped barking and started running around the pool.

Amazing seven-year-old girl's magic trick!

Hey guys! Are you into magic tricks? Do you know how to perform a few ones? Check out Kaya's performance. She's amazing! How does she do that?!!!

Have a nice week!

Teacher Bel

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011

welcome back

Hey people!!!! Welcome to International house! Let's try to make this semester the best of all, let's study hard, let's read more, let's speak English with our friends...and if you need a hand, don't forget...we are always here to help you!!!

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

Goaisatsu no Uta

Minasan vamos revisar o AISATSU?

Jya mata ne...

The Smurfs

One in 8 Million

Hi everybody. How`s it going?! Teacher Adriano here.

This week I`d like to introduce to you what I consider to be the best New York Times video project, so far. One in 8 Million explores the personality of some characters of the Big Apple. You`ll get to know a little about individuals such as Joshua Febres: The Uncertain Gang Member or Jim Romano: The Tabloid Photographer.

Living in a city with endless possibilities, a Jewish middle-aged woman from the Upper East Side will never have the same New York experience as that of somebody from Soho or Tribecca. Each New Yorker has their own personal taste of the city and that`s what they share with us in these videos.

The videos are actually 3-minute slide shows with a narration on the background. And it`s great for those who like to practice their listening. You`ll be able to listen to lots of different accents from all over the US and the World.

Link to One in 8 Million: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/1-in-8-million/index.html

That`s all for now folks. See you around!

The King and The Beaver

Hey folks!

Yesterday, my students from Inter 4 and I, started a very interesting lesson that concerns not only to the students, but to all of us: Lesson 7; ECO. This lesson brings many environmental world wide issues such as; The Global Warming, Air Pollution, Overpopulation, The Ozone Deplation, The Rain Forest Destruction and so on. Each of these environmental problems has different causes, numerous effects - sometimes disastrous - and most importantly, a solution.
This unit also discusses some of the main environmental organizations throughout the world, that seek to protect and monitor the natural environment against misuse or degradation, like GreenPeace, WWF, Plant a Tree Today Foundation and others.
"Digging" the internet I found a simple but creative video made by some graduating students from Gobelins ( School of Image, Paris- France). The name of the video is "Le Royaume" and it's all about a King who's just arrived in a wood and talked a little beaver into helping him to build a castle. Greedy and arrogant, the king mistreat the beaver even though the poor animal applied himself really hard. In the end, the selfish king found in his arrogance his own punishment.

Great isn't it?
Hope you enjoy it, folks!
See you around =D

P.S.: In case you get interested in wacthing other videos use the link below:

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2011

July!!! Vacation??? Noooooo...

Hey, guys!

You know that in July, we had some extra classes to improve our English and also review some important topics.

We had what we called "an INTENSIVE English course" and we had such a great time.

Every day students had classes with different teachers. They could meet all of us, getting to know the teachers and also improve their English with different games, worksheets and activities with the interactive board!