domingo, 31 de julho de 2011

Why we name them Teddy Bears?

The name Teddy Bear comes from former United States President Theodore Roosevelt, whose nickname was "Teddy". The name originated from an incident on a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi in November 1902, to which Roosevelt was invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino. There were several other hunters competing, and most of them had already killed an animal. A suite of Roosevelt's attendants, led by Holt Collier, cornered, clubbed, and tied an American Black Bear to a willow tree after a long exhausting chase with hounds.

They called Roosevelt to the site and suggested that he should shoot it. He refused to shoot the bear himself, deeming this unsportsmanlike, but instructed that the bear be killed to put it out of its misery, and it became the topic of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in The Washington Post on November 16, 1902.While the initial cartoon of an adult black bear lassoed by a white handler and a disgusted Roosevelt had symbolic overtones, later issues of that and other Berryman cartoons made the bear smaller and cuter.

Morris Michtom saw the drawing of Roosevelt and the bear cub and was inspired to create a new toy. He created a little stuffed bear cub and put it in his shop window with a sign that read "Teddy's bear," after sending a bear to Roosevelt and receiving permission to use his name. The toys were an immediate success and Michtom founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co.

Early teddy bears were made to look like real bears, with extended snouts and beady eyes. Today's teddy bears tend to have larger eyes and foreheads and smaller noses, babylike features that make them more attractive to buyers because they enhance the toy's cuteness, and may even be pre-dressed. (See more here!!)

Hey hey !! That was teacher Raul here see ya !

quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011

The Learning English Video Project

Hey guys.

This is teacher Adriano posting on IH Idiomas for the very first time.
Next week we have a brand new semester beginning, so I thought I`d show you something to get you in the mood. It`s called the LEARNING ENGLISH VIDEO PROJECT: a series of seven videos about English students from around the world. The students talk about their experiences learning English: what they think about the language, their difficulties, what they`ve done to overcome them, how their cultural background influenced their learning experience, among many other things.

One of the videos was shot in São Paulo (my hometown =] ) and explores the new trends in teaching and learning English that are under way exclusively in Brazil (I say that`s only natural since we have so many English schools).
You can watch the videos with or without subtitles in English. You can also download them. Teachers will be pleased to know that these videos come with worksheets and notes that can be used in the classroom (I hadn`t actually realized the potential of these videos until now).
Those who think that learning English is hard will find that they share the same difficulties as students from Spain, China and even Morocco and that becoming fluent is a matter of finding what you think is interesting and making the most of it for yourself: it could be reading about your favorite team, playing video games or even cooking. Those who already love English will get even more motivated to go on studying. So go ahead and watch it.
See you next week!

terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011

Indian traditions and culture

Hello everyone!
It's been a while since we last talked, huh? Miss you all, folks =]
I'm sharing this amazing video I just saw on the facebook profile of OUR indian friend, Danny. Remember him? It's an interesting video that is all about indians and their culture. Let's get to know a little about India? The home of our friend?
Check it out:

Hope you enjoy it o/
Teacher Beto.

quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Noch ein Lied !!!

Das alles ist Deutschland - Die Prinzen

Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch...

Natürlich hat ein Deutscher "Wetten, dass” erfunden
Vielen Dank für die schönen Stunden
Wir sind die freundlichsten Kunden auf dieser Welt
Wir sind bescheiden - wir haben Geld
Die Allerbesten in jedem Sport
Die Steuern hier sind Weltrekord
Bereisen Sie Deutschland und bleiben Sie hier
Auf diese Art von Besuchern warten wir
Es kann jeder hier wohnen, dem es gefällt
Wir sind das freundlichste Volk auf dieser Welt

Deutsch, deutsch...

Nur eine Kleinigkeit ist hier verkehrt
Und zwar, dass Schumacher keinen Mercedes fährt

Das alles ist Deutschland - das alles sind wir
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders - nur hier, nur hier
Das alles ist Deutschland - das sind alles wir
Wir leben und wir sterben hier

Deutsch, deutsch...

Es bilden sich viele was auf Deutschland ein
Und mancher findet es geil, ein Arschloch zu sein
Es gibt manchen, der sich gern über Kanaken beschwert
Und zum Ficken jedes Jahr nach Thailand fährt
Wir lieben unsere Autos mehr als unsere Frau'n
Denn deutschen Autos können wir vertrau'n
Gott hat die Erde nur einmal geküsst
Genau an dieser Stelle, wo jetzt Deutschland ist
Wir sind überall die besten - natürlich auch im Bett
Und zu Hunden und Katzen besonders nett

Das alles ist Deutschland...

Wir sind besonders gut im Auf-die-Fresse-hau'n
auch im Feuerlegen kann man uns vertrau'n
Wir steh'n auf Ordnung und Sauberkeit
Wir sind jederzeit für 'nen Krieg bereit
Schönen Gruß an die Welt, seht es endlich ein
Wir können stolz auf Deutschland... SCHWEIN!

Schwein, Schwein...

Reported Speech

Hello guys!

My student, Ricardo, from Inter 6 is learning "reported speech". It's a very interesting subject, but we should study it carefully because sometimes it can be a little confusing. These two videos might help you to understand this subject.

See ya o/

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

Here we are in London...


Here we are in LONDON!!!!!

When visiting London don't forget to go to M&M's World! It's a fantastic place to have fun, but it's a little expensive. You can take a lot of pictures!!!

We're having a great time in London...

See ya =)

Teachers Eline, Elisa and Joanna...

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

Machu Picchu 100 años

Celebrando una maravilla

Hace más de quinientos años, un hombre de gran valor se erigió como gobernante de una naciente confederación establecida en el corazón de los Andes del sur. Poco a poco, su destreza e inteligencia transformaron a una pequeña nación en un extenso y poderoso imperio que llegó a abarcar el territorio de cinco países de América del Sur. Su nombre, Pachacútec.

Durante su largo reinado, este inca transformó el mundo andino y levantó en su honor los más grandes monumentos de su tiempo, entre ellos el que hoy consideramos nuestro más grande patrimonio cultural: Machu Picchu.

Oculta tras la niebla, en medio del tupido bosque de montaña, Machu Picchu es, sin duda, la cima de la civilización peruana. Una que, sin contacto alguno con el mundo occidental, alcanzó altas cuotas de tecnología y organización social.

quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011


Hoje 7/7 é dia do Festival Tabanata.
Uma lenda japonesa conta a origem desse festival.

Há muito tempo, de acordo com uma antiga lenda, morava próximo da Via-Láctea uma linda princesa chamada Orihime a "Princesa Tecelã".

Certo dia Tentei o "Senhor Celestial", pai da moça, apresentou-lhe um jovem e belo rapaz, Kengyu o "Pastor do Gado" (também nomeado Hikoboshi), acreditando que este fosse o par ideal para ela.

Os dois se apaixonaram fulminantemente. A partir de então, a vida de ambos girava apenas em torno do belo romance, deixando de lado suas tarefas e obrigações diárias.

Indignado com a falta de responsabilidade do jovem casal, o pai de Orihime decidiu separar os dois, obrigando-os a morar em lados opostos da Via-Láctea.

A separação trouxe muito sofrimento e tristeza para Orihime. Sentindo o pesar de sua filha, seu pai resolveu permitir que o jovem casal se encontrasse, porém somente uma vez por ano, no sétimo dia do sétimo mês do calendário lunar, desde que cumprissem sua ordem de atender todos os pedidos vindos da Terra nesta data. Por isso neste dia escrevemos os pedidos em uma tira de papel e penduramos no galho de um bambu, e pedimos para o casal realizar nossos pedidos.

Na mitologia japonesa, este casal é representada por estrelas situadas em lados opostos da galáxia, que realmente só são vistas juntas uma vez por ano: Vega (Orihime) e Altair (Kengyu).

Que tal você também fazer o seu pedido?

Jya mata ne.

quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011


Now everyone is doing their final tests... Study hard, let's focus on our aims, and then... TA-DAAAAAA! Finally you'll have some rest from English! While you rest, have fun with SEVEN amazing magical and creative stories!

Have nice vacation!!

Teacher Bel
Hey guys....

Take a look at this video...

I think it's great !!!

Hope u like it !!!

See u !!!

Musik - Matthias Reim

Hallo Leute!!

Heute habe ich ein Lied für Euch.

domingo, 3 de julho de 2011

In House Teachers na Europa

Olá pessoal,

Nossas professoras Eline, Elisa e Joanna já nos mandaram notícias do tour que estão fazendo na Europa.
Abaixo um pequeno registro desta aventura delas.