Alguns cumprimentos em alemão
Hallo! - Olá/Oi!
Moin! - O mesmo que “Hallo”, porém usado no norte da Deutschland (Alemanha)
Grüß Gott! – Mesma coisa que “Hallo”, mas é mais usado no sul da Deutschland (Alemanha) e em algumas regiões da Österreich (Áustria)
Grüß dich! - Mesma coisa que “Hallo”, mas é mais usado no sul da Deutschland (Alemanha) e em algumas regiões da Österreich (Áustria).
Servus! – Mesma coisa que “Hallo”, porém é usado mais na região de Bayern (Bavária) e em algumas regiões da Österreich (Áustria).
Guten Morgen! - Bom dia! (Usado da hora que acorda até umas 09h/10h).
Guten Tag! – Bom dia! (Usado o dia todo, até a hora de dar Guten Abend!)
Guten Abend! – Boa noite! (Usado a partir das 18h).
Gute Nacht! - Boa noite! (Usado na hora de dormir).
Tschüss! – Tchau!
Schönen Tag noch! - Tenha um bom dia!
Auf Wiedersehen! – Até a próxima!
Bis bald! – Até logo!
Bis später! - Até mais tarde!
Bis dann! - Até mais!
Schönes Wochenende! - Bom fim de semana!
Danke, gleichfalls! - Obrigado (a), para você também!
Das ist alles! Bis dann!
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011
Video Conference II
Hello folks!
Lats time I posted some interesting pictures of a video conference with Danny, remember? Though Danny had to stay awake 'till 4 o'clock in morning there in India, we could have a very pleasing conversation. Danny and Thiago shared and talked a lot about the culture, costumes and interests.
Take a look at some of the pics!
terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011
Hey, people....

My students from teens 1, just learned ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY...
Take a look at the picture....

Now.....Can you understand?!

See u !!!
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
Save your english
Hello everyone!
This month at the school we had a very special week called "Save your English". It's a cultural week when we gather students of different classes but similar levels in order to play some games together so they have the opportunity to use all the knowledge they learnt so far and also get to know each other a little.
Check out some of the pictures!
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011
Nihongo no minasan!
Kinouwa, yakisoba wo tsukutte, tabemashita... Doo deshitaka? Oishikatta kana?
Jya mata, kondo nani o tsukurimashou kana?
Mata ne... bye bye
quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011
Breakfast with Teens 1
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011
Lunar eclipse tonight!

Hi guys,
Tonight's gonna be a good night! We have a lunar eclipse coming!
Wait a second, teacher... Eclipse? Isn't that awful book with vampires and werewolves and a brainless plot?
Noooo! Eclipse is much more than that! Here, let me show you:

Eclipse (ĭ-klĭps')
Eclipse is the partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by another. An eclipse of the Sun or Moon occurs when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned. ◇ In a solar eclipse the Moon comes between the Sun and Earth. During a total solar eclipse the disk of the Moon fully covers that of the Sun, and only the Sun's corona is visible. ◇ An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is farthest in its orbit from the Earth so that its disk does not fully cover that of the Sun, and part of the Sun's photosphere is visible as a ring around the Moon. In a lunar eclipse all or a part of the Moon's disk enters the umbra of the Earth's shadow and is no longer illuminated by the Sun. Lunar eclipses occur only during a full moon, when the Moon is directly opposite the Sun.
(Read the full text here)

Pretty cool, huh?
Your teacher will probably be inside the classroom when this happens, so why don't you take some pictures and send them for us? I'd love to see it.
Have a nice week!
teacher Bel
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011
quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011
quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011
domingo, 5 de junho de 2011
Viridiana Díaz Aloy - Jueza Nacional del Trabajo (Argentina) en International House
El viernes, 03 de junio, recibimos la visita de Viridiana Díaz Aloy, jueza nacional del trabajo en la Argentina.
Los alumnos de español le ofrecieron una deliciosa merienda brasileña.
Y el sábado, 04 de junio, Viridiana, Rodrigo, Suiane y Liliane fueron recibidos por Lucas Paulino, gerente de RRHH de John Deere, para una visita a la planta de la empresa en Catalão.
Gracias a todos!

Los alumnos de español le ofrecieron una deliciosa merienda brasileña.
Y el sábado, 04 de junio, Viridiana, Rodrigo, Suiane y Liliane fueron recibidos por Lucas Paulino, gerente de RRHH de John Deere, para una visita a la planta de la empresa en Catalão.
Gracias a todos!
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011
Easy Passive Voice.
Hey there!
This week I had a really good class with my student from Inter 6 Ricardo. We saw some very good videos on youtube that helped clarify the subject we're studying now: Passive Voice.
It's easy to understand, so eveyone take a look and tell me how helpful it is.
This week I had a really good class with my student from Inter 6 Ricardo. We saw some very good videos on youtube that helped clarify the subject we're studying now: Passive Voice.
It's easy to understand, so eveyone take a look and tell me how helpful it is.
quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011
Pronomes demonstrativos
Minasan konnitiwa!
Kyouwa KONO, SONO, ANO, KORE, SORE, ARE wo benkyoushimashou!
Jya mata ne... bye bye
Kyouwa KONO, SONO, ANO, KORE, SORE, ARE wo benkyoushimashou!
Jya mata ne... bye bye
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