Eu sei, mas não devia.
Marina Colasanti
Eu sei que a gente se acostuma.
Mas não devia.
A gente se acostuma a morar em apartamento de fundos e a não ter outra vista que não as janelas ao redor. E porque não tem vista, logo se acostuma a não olhar para fora. E porque não olha para fora, logo se acostuma a não abrir de todo as cortinas. E porque não abre as cortinas, logo se acostuma a acender mais cedo a luz. E porque à medida que se acostuma, esquece o sol, esquece o ar, esquece a amplidão.
A gente se acostuma a acordar de manhã, sobressaltado porque está na hora.
A tomar café correndo porque está atrasado. A ler jornal no ônibus porque não pode perder o tempo da viagem. A comer sanduíches porque já é noite. A cochilar no ônibus porque está cansado. A deitar cedo e dormir pesado sem ter vivido o dia. A gente se acostuma a abrir a janela e a ler sobre a guerra. E aceitando a guerra, aceita os mortos e que haja números para os mortos. E aceitando os números, aceita não acreditar nas negociações de paz. E aceitando as negociações de paz, aceitar ler todo dia de guerra, dos números da longa duração. A gente se acostuma a esperar o dia inteiro e ouvir no telefone: hoje não posso ir. A sorrir para as pessoas sem receber um sorriso de volta. A ser ignorado quando precisava tanto ser visto. A gente se acostuma a pagar por tudo o que deseja e o que necessita. E a lutar para ganhar o dinheiro com que paga. E a ganhar menos do que precisa. E a fazer fila para pagar. E a pagar mais do que as coisas valem. E a saber que cada vez pagará mais. E a procurar mais trabalho, para ganhar mais dinheiro, para ter com o que pagar nas filas em que se cobra.
A gente se acostuma a andar na rua e ver cartazes, a abrir as revistas e ver anúncios. A ligar a televisão e assistir a comerciais. A ir ao cinema, a engolir publicidade. A ser instigado, conduzido, desnorteado, lançado na infindável catarata dos produtos.
A gente se acostuma à poluição. À luz artificial de ligeiro tremor. Ao choque que os olhos levam na luz natural. Às besteiras das músicas, às bactérias da água potável. À contaminação da água do mar. À luta. À lenta morte dos rios. E se acostuma a não ouvir passarinhos, a não colher frutas do pé, a não ter sequer uma planta.
A gente se acostuma a coisas demais, para não sofrer. Em doses pequenas, tentando não perceber, vai afastando uma dor aqui, um ressentimento ali, uma revolta acolá. Se o cinema está cheio, a gente senta na primeira fila e torce um pouco o pescoço. Se a praia está contaminada, a gente só molha os pés e sua no resto do corpo. Se o trabalho está duro, a gente se consola pensando no fim de semana. E se no fim de semana não há muito o que fazer, a gente vai dormir cedo e ainda satisfeito porque tem sono atrasado. A gente se acostuma para não se ralar na aspereza, para preservar a pele.
Se acostuma para evitar feridas, sangramentos, para esquivar-se da faca e da baioneta, para poupar o peito.
A gente se acostuma para poupar a vida.
Que aos poucos se gasta, e que, de tanto acostumar, se perde de si mesma.
Marina Colasanti nasceu em Asmara, Etiópia, morou 11 anos na Itália e desde então vive no Brasil. Publicou vários livros de contos, crônicas, poemas e histórias infantis. Recebeu o Prêmio Jabuti com Eu sei mas não devia e também por Rota de Colisão. Dentre outros escreveu E por falar em Amor; Contos de Amor Rasgados; Aqui entre nós, Intimidade Pública, Eu Sozinha, Zooilógico, A Morada do Ser, A nova Mulher, Mulher daqui pra Frente e O leopardo é um animal delicado. Escreve, também, para revistas femininas e constantemente é convidada para cursos e palestras em todo o Brasil. É casada com o escritor e poeta Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna.
terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2008
A little bit of Garfield for you guys!
segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008
If you're on vacation...
Preparation is everything when it comes to your next vacation. From the tickets you buy to the activities you choose, you need to plan ahead in order to have a memorable time. But many people forget that what they pack might help them along the way. Here are ten things that you’ll want to fit in your suitcase that will help:
1. A camera - When you’re trying to capture a vacation’s fun times or just the scenery, you need to have a way to do this. With the invention of digital cameras, you can shoot and shoot without having to waste film along the way, but traditional film based cameras work well too.
2. Extra film or memory cards - You need to have backup storage for your pictures as most people will take more pictures than they expect to and buying these items can be pricey in tourist areas.
3. A journal - When you write down where you went each day, it can solidify your vacation’s memories. Even if it’s just a list at the end or the beginning of each day, this is a great way to keep your vacation fresh in your mind.
4. Something to keep you warm - Whether you bring a wool sweater or a coat, even the warmest locations can have times when things get a little cooler than you expect. Be prepared.
5. An umbrella - Since you can’t predict the rain or the lack thereof, be sure to bring an umbrella on your vacation.
6. Things to do - There may be days when you don’t feel like leaving your hotel room or days when you might become ill (though hopefully not). Bring a game or some books with you to help pass this slower time.
7. Extra cash - Try to have extra cash in another location besides your wallet when you travel. In the event of theft, you will still have some money to get by.
8. Copies of your important documents - If you have a flash drive or the ability to burn CDs, make sure that you scan and save all of your important documents (passports, driver’s licenses, etc.) onto these storage devices. Should you lose your wallet or purse, you will be able to have some record of your identity.
9. A rented cell phone - Since many cell phones that work in Canada and the U.S. will not work in Europe and other countries, investigate places where you can rent a cell phone that will. This will allow you to have a way to communicate no matter what.
10. Moist towelettes - While this sounds silly, invariably on your vacation you will want to clean something up or wipe off your hands. You can find a number of antibacterial moistened towels that are easily portable.
1. A camera - When you’re trying to capture a vacation’s fun times or just the scenery, you need to have a way to do this. With the invention of digital cameras, you can shoot and shoot without having to waste film along the way, but traditional film based cameras work well too.
2. Extra film or memory cards - You need to have backup storage for your pictures as most people will take more pictures than they expect to and buying these items can be pricey in tourist areas.
3. A journal - When you write down where you went each day, it can solidify your vacation’s memories. Even if it’s just a list at the end or the beginning of each day, this is a great way to keep your vacation fresh in your mind.
4. Something to keep you warm - Whether you bring a wool sweater or a coat, even the warmest locations can have times when things get a little cooler than you expect. Be prepared.
5. An umbrella - Since you can’t predict the rain or the lack thereof, be sure to bring an umbrella on your vacation.
6. Things to do - There may be days when you don’t feel like leaving your hotel room or days when you might become ill (though hopefully not). Bring a game or some books with you to help pass this slower time.
7. Extra cash - Try to have extra cash in another location besides your wallet when you travel. In the event of theft, you will still have some money to get by.
8. Copies of your important documents - If you have a flash drive or the ability to burn CDs, make sure that you scan and save all of your important documents (passports, driver’s licenses, etc.) onto these storage devices. Should you lose your wallet or purse, you will be able to have some record of your identity.
9. A rented cell phone - Since many cell phones that work in Canada and the U.S. will not work in Europe and other countries, investigate places where you can rent a cell phone that will. This will allow you to have a way to communicate no matter what.
10. Moist towelettes - While this sounds silly, invariably on your vacation you will want to clean something up or wipe off your hands. You can find a number of antibacterial moistened towels that are easily portable.
sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2008
Cambridge Day
Hey, students!
Yesterday, me and the teachers Joanna, Evelyn, Elisa and Nayra went to Uberlândia (MG) to the Cambridge Day.

It was really good. We watched an excellent lecture ministrated by Hugo Loyola, the Senior Manager at the Cambridge University Press. He's hilarious, and we had a lot of fun. Plus, we learned a lot about how to use the technology to improve our teaching techniques.
He told us that is a good idea to create a blog to the school or to the classroom. It's great to know that we're on the right way!
We came back to Catalão full of great ideas about blogs, videos at youtube, wikis and, of course, the e-mails that you guys already receive.
It was very good, we had a great day, lots of fun and we also learned a lot. You guys don't think that only because we're teachers we don't have anything else to learn, do you?
Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.
Next week the teachers are going to a course in Brasília. Wait to check the news!
Good vacations for you all =)
teacher Bel
Yesterday, me and the teachers Joanna, Evelyn, Elisa and Nayra went to Uberlândia (MG) to the Cambridge Day.

It was really good. We watched an excellent lecture ministrated by Hugo Loyola, the Senior Manager at the Cambridge University Press. He's hilarious, and we had a lot of fun. Plus, we learned a lot about how to use the technology to improve our teaching techniques.
He told us that is a good idea to create a blog to the school or to the classroom. It's great to know that we're on the right way!
We came back to Catalão full of great ideas about blogs, videos at youtube, wikis and, of course, the e-mails that you guys already receive.
It was very good, we had a great day, lots of fun and we also learned a lot. You guys don't think that only because we're teachers we don't have anything else to learn, do you?
Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.
Next week the teachers are going to a course in Brasília. Wait to check the news!
Good vacations for you all =)
teacher Bel
Amusement Parks!!!!
terça-feira, 8 de julho de 2008
Do you sometimes feel like a crazy person? Read the text and then tell us your opinion...
Do you suffer from “ringxiety”?
by Josh Clark
Your cell phone rings. You go to answer it, but there’s no one there. Curiously, there’s no missed call, either. You realize after a moment that you mistook a bird chirping for your cell phone’s ring. What’s weird is that this isn’t the first time this has happened to you. You’re probably not insane — instead, you are suffering from what’s come to be called ringxiety.
It’s not surprising that in the increasingly wireless and connected world, humanity would begin to suffer techno-neuroses. Electronic gadgets have become a part of the everyday lives of people worldwide. Ringxiety is among the first of these new neuroses to emerge, along with Internet addiction and the “crackberry” phenomenon — a person’s compulsive urge to use and his BlackBerry wireless device. While crackberry addiction is a compulsive behavior, ringxiety may be a result of that and similar compulsions.
Some researchers think that ringxiety stems from a constant state of readiness that could develop in cell phone users. Before the advent of wireless phones, no one expected a call while driving in the car, shopping at the grocery store or dancing at a nightclub. With cell phones, though, there’s a potential for a call to come through at any moment. Because of this, it’s possible that our brains are conditioned to expect a call constantly, and when a person hears a tone that reminds him of his cell phone ringing, he will believe that’s the case. Others believe that ringxiety — or in this case, phantom ringing — simply stems from confusion due to the frequency of most stock cell phone ringtones and the location of our ears.
Those who opt to set the phone to “vibrate” rather than “ring” aren’t off the hook either. Even stranger than phantom ringing is the phantom vibration phenomenon. This is also a part of the ringxiety that David Laramie studied, although fewer ideas about its origins have been suggested. It’s similar to phantom ringing, but phantom vibration is a physical rather than an auditory hallucination. It’s also similar to another, well-documented phenomenon phantom limb syndrome. In this medically recognized condition, amputees — people who’ve had limbs removed — report feeling pain in limbs that are no longer attached to their bodies. Is it possible that people have become as attached to their cell phones as they are to their own arms and legs?
Slightly adapted from
March 2008
by Josh Clark
Your cell phone rings. You go to answer it, but there’s no one there. Curiously, there’s no missed call, either. You realize after a moment that you mistook a bird chirping for your cell phone’s ring. What’s weird is that this isn’t the first time this has happened to you. You’re probably not insane — instead, you are suffering from what’s come to be called ringxiety.
It’s not surprising that in the increasingly wireless and connected world, humanity would begin to suffer techno-neuroses. Electronic gadgets have become a part of the everyday lives of people worldwide. Ringxiety is among the first of these new neuroses to emerge, along with Internet addiction and the “crackberry” phenomenon — a person’s compulsive urge to use and his BlackBerry wireless device. While crackberry addiction is a compulsive behavior, ringxiety may be a result of that and similar compulsions.
Some researchers think that ringxiety stems from a constant state of readiness that could develop in cell phone users. Before the advent of wireless phones, no one expected a call while driving in the car, shopping at the grocery store or dancing at a nightclub. With cell phones, though, there’s a potential for a call to come through at any moment. Because of this, it’s possible that our brains are conditioned to expect a call constantly, and when a person hears a tone that reminds him of his cell phone ringing, he will believe that’s the case. Others believe that ringxiety — or in this case, phantom ringing — simply stems from confusion due to the frequency of most stock cell phone ringtones and the location of our ears.
Those who opt to set the phone to “vibrate” rather than “ring” aren’t off the hook either. Even stranger than phantom ringing is the phantom vibration phenomenon. This is also a part of the ringxiety that David Laramie studied, although fewer ideas about its origins have been suggested. It’s similar to phantom ringing, but phantom vibration is a physical rather than an auditory hallucination. It’s also similar to another, well-documented phenomenon phantom limb syndrome. In this medically recognized condition, amputees — people who’ve had limbs removed — report feeling pain in limbs that are no longer attached to their bodies. Is it possible that people have become as attached to their cell phones as they are to their own arms and legs?
Slightly adapted from
March 2008
segunda-feira, 7 de julho de 2008
4 banned commercials - HILARIOUS!
I don't know why this commercials were banned... maybe they thought they were going to offend someone. I really don't know, but all the four are hilarious!
("cheering works" is, definetely, my favorite)
Have fun!
("cheering works" is, definetely, my favorite)
Have fun!
sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2008
HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!!
Today the USA is celebrating its Independence Day.
This is the biggest national holiday for them and they celebrate it with lots of food in picnics and barbecues, baseball games, parades and of couse, fireworks!
Well, I know it's not the same as being there, but here's a video from a 4th of July fireworks:
So again, happy 4th of July and have an awesome weekend!
quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2008
L'amitié c'est sacré, c'est un lien qui nous unit, un lien qu'on ne peut pas casser, on ne peut vivre sans amis. Une amie c'est la personne pour laquelle on a aucun secret. Qui un jour a croisé notre chemim, qui sait nous comprendre et nous écouter.Tu es comme ça, et c'est pour cela, qu'une amie comme toi, ne court pas les toits, et si un jour tu disparais, sache que tu seras toujours dans mon coeur, si un jour je disparais, j'espère rester dans ton coeur.
Poème de Moneel
"L'espoir c'est la vie si tu n'en a plus tu es comme mort mais vivre relève l'espoir"
Gros bisous à tous mes amis(ies)
Poème de Moneel
"L'espoir c'est la vie si tu n'en a plus tu es comme mort mais vivre relève l'espoir"
Gros bisous à tous mes amis(ies)
terça-feira, 1 de julho de 2008

REPORTAJE: EUROCOPA 2008 - España, campeona 44 años después
Delirio total
Cientos de miles de aficionados reciben a los campeones de Europa - Los jugadores se dieron un baño de masas en Colón, adonde llegaron en un autobús descapotable
H. IGLESIAS / P. MELIÁN - Madrid - 01/07/2008
La azafata más fotografiada de España abrió la puerta del avión y el centenar de objetivos y cámaras que esperaban a pie de pista en el aeropuerto de Barajas captaron la imagen más esperada. Eran las 19.55 y Luis Aragonés e Iker Casillas sostenían la Copa de Europa por las orejas con cariño. Detrás, en fila india, los 22 futbolistas restantes que se coronaron como reyes del continente esperaban su turno como podían, desatados por la alegría.
Pepe Reina fue el principal maestro de ceremonias de principio a fin - "Sois el mejor equipo del mundo", les dijo un emocionado Luis a sus jugadores.
Las caras de somnolencia y las legañas los delataban. La noche se había alargado hasta las 10.00 y el avión, con las azafatas siguiendo el ritmo hipnótico de la Macarena, no había servido para descansar un poco ante la fiesta que se avecinaba. A medida que caminaron hacia el autobús descapotable que los transportó a la plaza de Colón, se fueron despertando. Regresaron las bromas, los cánticos y los bailes. En el autocar les esperaba una sorpresa. Una nevera llena de cervezas les terminó de encender.
Rápidamente se reestableció el núcleo duro de las bromas en el grupo. Villa se hizo con el micrófono, mientras le acompañaban en los coros Capdevila y Reina. Cazorla se convirtió en el niño con el que todos jugaban. Al pequeño mediapunta lo zarandearon y lo bañaron en cerveza. A pocos metros, Ramos y Torres se subieron a las esquinas delanteras del autobús. Querían llegar a Colón desde una posición privilegiada y no pensaban ceder sus tronos. Ni siquiera se sirvieron las copas del improvisado botellón, que reclamaban a cualquiera de sus compañeros.
No habían llegado aún los jugadores a la plaza de Colón, pero los aficionados casi podían acariciarlos. Los gritos y aplausos se hacían sentir por la carretera de Barcelona, el camino que siguió el autobús que, escoltado por varias furgonetas de la policía, trasladó a la selección desde Barajas a la plaza de Colón. Los aficionados aún tuvieron que aguantar, bajo un sol de castigo, más de una hora. Hasta que, por fin, los héroes llegaron a la fiesta.
"España siempre" se podía leer a un lado del autobús, en blanco y con letras mayúsculas. Al otro lado, el lema de una marca publicitaria en inglés acaparaba la atención: "Impossible is nothing". Porque esta vez nada era imposible.
Y claro, el delirio se adueñó del respetable, que inundó buena parte d el Paseo de la Castellana. Durante todo el trayecto, a la selección la acompañó una caravana de motos, muchas ondeando banderas. Algunos coches, estacionados en el arcén, hacían sonar el claxon al paso de los campeones, que no se cansaban de saludar. Arriba, todos con la camiseta roja, excepto Casillas, Reina y Palop, vestidos con la camiseta amarilla de los porteros. Todos iban con la zamarra que les acompañaron durante los 22 días que duró el torneo. Todos menos uno, Sergio Ramos, que vestía una camiseta blanca con el número 16 a la espalda y la foto de Antonio Puerta -tal y como hizo al término del partido con Alemania-, futbolista del Sevilla y su amigo, ya fallecido. Ahora era el momento de celebrarlo con la afición.
Villa, con un pañuelo atado en la cabeza, se erigió como maestro de ceremonias en el autobús. Micrófono en mano, marcaba el ritmo de la verbena que se montó en el vehículo. No todos le seguían. Pepe Reina, un agitador, saltaba a su antojo mientras sujetaba un vaso de tubo. Juanito le secundaba. Mientras, Xavi y otros agitaban latas de cerveza.
La emoción de los futbolistas era palpable. Incluso abusaron de sus teléfonos móviles para guardar en imágenes un recuerdo imborrable. A la vez, la Copa iba pasando de mano en mano. De Ramos, al pichici Villa. De Villa a Güiza. Y de Güiza a Torres, el héroe de la final, encaramado al borde del autobús, liderando la euforia del equipo. Entre todos ellos, el seleccionador, Luis Aragonés, que se animó a bailar la cucaracha. También se apuntó a cantar el Porompompero abrazado a Manolo Escobar. Pero, general, Luis dejó a sus chicos todo el protagonismo y se mantuvo en segundo plano. Eso sí, con una mueca por sonrisa. Masticando la alegría. Digiriendo el triunfo. Asimilando lo que sus ojos hacía 44 años que no veían. Tan emocionado estaba que sucumbió a la petición de los aficionados, que le pedían que saltara. Y Aragonés saltó.
Entonces, una hora y cuarto después de aterrizar en Barajas, llegó el momento culminante. Con De la Red y Arbeloa en primera fila. Con Sergio Ramos agitando una bandera andaluza. Pepe Reina con un sombrero de paja, abrazado a Marchena. Esperándoles estaban dos chicos, peluca negra sobre sus cabezas, camiseta del Recreativo y la bandera roja y amarilla anudada al cuello. Antes habían matado las horas disfrutando de sus 15 segundos de fama. Cada vez que aparecía una cámara de televisión, allí estaban ellos: "Hemos ganado. ¿Cómo no vamos a estar de cachondeo?". Al unísono, como sus nombres, los dos Sergio, de 32 y 28 años, habían agarrado el coche el viernes desde Huelva para vivir en la capital la final del Europeo. El mayor explicaba que no se lo pensaron dos veces: "Nos vinimos a la aventura. Yo estoy de baja, y él de vacaciones. Vamos a estar aquí hasta que acabe la fiesta. Y luego, a descansar y para Huelva". Los dos tenían un deseo por encima de todo: "Nos gustaría felicitar a Santi Cazorla". Y allí estaba el asturiano, entre Xavi y Xabi Alonso, celebrándolo con un brindis cuando lo permitían los abrazos. El protocolo brillaba por su ausencia. Los jugadores hacían la conga, con la Copa de Campeones de Europa como gran invitada. Como la ocasión también lo requería, también mantearon a Reina, pero sobre todo a Luis, que se lo agradeció a los jugadores: "Tengo el mejor equipo del mundo". Antes, hubo tiempo para el recuerdo al médico de la selección, Genaro Borrás, que falleció hace pocas semanas. Una pancarta rezaba: "Va por ti Genaro".
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